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Safe Street.png

Atlanta's High Injury Network

Atlanta’s High Injury Network (HIN) identifies a relatively small proportion of the City’s surface streets where a large proportion of crashes occur that result in fatalities or serious injuries.



The HIN was developed using a method that weights each crash according to the crash cost associated with the severity of the crash. More severe crashes result in a greater societal cost, and although all roadway crashes over a five year period (2017-2021) were included in the HIN screening, only the locations with a history of the most severe crashes are included as part of the HIN.

Documentos provisionales del plan de acción Vision Zero

Publicaremos aquí los documentos del proyecto durante todo el proceso de planificación. ¡Vuelva a consultar las actualizaciones!

We’ll post additional project materials here throughout the planning process. Check back for updates!

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